This landscape was painted in May 2010 on the small road outside 'White Horses', a striking modern house on the Garrison. When I first came to live on the islands in 1980, I painted a couple of picture from the gardens of the house because it has a commanding view. But this was alongside the boundary wall of the garden on the small Garrison lane. The flowering valerian covering the wall was attracting a great number of nectar gathering insects. These included a humming bird hawk moth (which I failed to capture in time because it moved so fast) and a Red Admiral butterfly (which I did!). In the distance is Tresco Channel between Tresco and Bryher.
- full size print image - twenty seven inches by nine and a half inches (approx)
- half size print image - fifteen and three quarters by five and a half inches (approx)
Ref: ValerianWhiteHorses
Artist Stephen Morris