Halangy Sols, St Marys, Isles of Scilly
Halangy Sols, St Marys, Isles of Scilly

This was painted on Halangy Down on a cold but clear afternoon in the winter of 2008, looking towards Tresco. The Soleil d'Or narcissi is one of the earliest varieties grown commercially on the islands and is picked, in tight bud, to be shipped to mainland markets. This particular large clump must have grown from discarded bulbs, however they still flower well and look good in the cool winter light.

Ref: HalangySols

Location: Halangy Down, St Marys, Isles of Scilly

Artist Stephen Morris

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Halangy Sols, St Marys, Isles of Scilly

This was painted on Halangy Down on a cold but clear afternoon in the winter of 2008, looking towards Tresco. The Soleil d'Or narcissi is one of the earliest varieties grown commercially on the islands and is picked, in tight bud, to be shipped to mainland markets. This particular large clump must have grown from discarded bulbs, however they still flower well and look good in the cool winter light.

Ref: HalangySols

Location: Halangy Down, St Marys, Isles of Scilly

Artist Stephen Morris

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