This is one of a pair of large watercolours, painted in Summer 2021. A garden escapee, the abiding memory of most visitors of Scilly during the school summer holiday is swathes of this beautiful blue, seeming to reflect the summer seas. I don't remember many here in my youth but now they are ubiquitous. Life competes and the strong survive. On Scilly, we've given this particular species a helping hand. This shows the agapanthus bud growing, and finally bursting. All that pent up energy! As it grows and opens, the colour on the petals develops and the flowers attract bees and other pollinators. I like the bees, they are essential to our life on this planet. This was painted over the timeframe of a month, almost the life of the worker bee.
Time is relative.
Ref: Agapanthus Blooming
Location: St Mary's, Isles of Scilly
Artist Stephen Morris