An ink painting started in early winter 2017. This is on the east of St Marys, overlooking Pelistry beach and Toll's Island, which is connected by a sand bar at low tide. I like the ambiguity of a sand bar, whether the tide is going in or out alters your view of whether it's an island. "Shall we cross, should we cross?" A wrong decision could maroon you for a few hours! These "sliding doors" scenarios and the smallest choices we make can affect our lives, setting us on an alternative timeline. Do both realities exist?
I didn't finish it that year, because the light had changed, so I waited until the other side of winter, when the afternoon sun had returned to the same place in the sky. By then, storms had felled the tree on the right. I left it partly transparent to signify its passing.
Ref: Either side of Winter
Location: Pelistry, St Mary's, Isles of Scilly
Artist Stephen Morris