Rocks that look permanent to us, with our short lives, still change over time. We don't always notice. However, seeing the power of a stormy sea, pounding at rocks, makes it easier to comprehend.
I painted this with a combination of my freehand ink technique to start, finishing with brushes using watercolour. I was in a cave, halfway up a cliff, in a gale. It was exciting, if a little hairy at times! By chance I met photographer Gary Morrisroe, who submitted a photo which won an entry into the prestigious project and publication "Portrait of Humanity vol II" To promote the project, the winning images were put on a screen which was attached to a balloon and sent into the upper atmosphere, to the edge of space. This was filmed, before returning safely to earth. On the footage, you can see the curve of the earth, turning in space and time.
Humanity's time on this planet has only been a moment in comparison with the enormity of the life of stars.
Ref: From the Cave
Location: Penninnis, St Mary's, Isles of Scilly
Artist Stephen Morris